The Company was incorporated on February 20, 1986 with the name TIMONE FIDUCIARIA S.r.l. and headquarters in Milan Via della Posta 8.
Following the changes that have occurred over time, the name is changed to TIMONE FIDUCIARIA S.r.l., the share capital is increased to € 100,000.00, and the registered office moved to Via Sant’Andrea 2.
During 1994 COFIRCONT Compagnia Fiduciaria S.r.l. acquires control of the Company. The operation of the company is governed by the statute in force authorized for the exercise of fiduciary activity with Ministerial Decree March 16, 2016.

The Company does not belong to any group and is subject to management and coordination by COFIRCONT Compagnia Fiduciaria S.r.l. whose shareholding in the share capital corresponds to 95%.
The Directors are vested with the powers of ordinary administration for the purpose of exercising the fiduciary activity.